About us
Organised by Ripon Old Cars, in late July every year we bring you a Classic Car Gathering at Ripon Racecourse which features classic and vintage motorcycles, tractors, car clubs and specialist car stands as well as many Trade stalls. At last year’s show, we had many hundreds of exhibitors on the field of all types and styles.
Now in our thirtieth year, we are a not-for-profit group with all monies raised going to charities nominated each year by our Committee.
We strive to create a family-friendly event in having a plethora of other attractions and activities taking place on the day such as children’s entertainment, live music, stalls and trade stands of all descriptions, an auto jumble, games and quizzes as well as good food and much more. We hope that you’ll be able to join us!
Show Information
We’ll be running the show in 2025 at the same location as in previous years in Ripon Garden Racecourse, which is the perfect venue for us.
The Show will of course feature loads of classic & vintage cars, motorcycles, commercial & military vehicles and Trade stands, but will also have a whole host of other attractions to keep all of the family happy including a children’s play area and even a children’s entertainer! Always popular, there’ll be our usual spread of delicious freshly-prepared homemade food and refreshments available throughout the day.
Be sure to make a note. Sunday, 27th July is the date for your diaries so start polishing! The event and the entertainment start at approximately 10:15am but gates open from 9:00am. The show will end at 5:00pm. Don’t miss it!
Day Visitor Information
A grand day out for the whole family. We have ample free parking and a very modest entry fee of £5.00 per person, which must make us the cheapest car show in the country for visitors. Children under 14 admitted free if accompanying an adult. Sorry no concessions.
Exhibitor Information
It's £5 to enter a car in advance, £3 to enter a motorbike in advance, £10 if you turn up on the day as a late entry and £5 on the gate for non-entrants. Club stands are also available subject to demand.
Visitors & Exhibitors
Each year the event builds and becomes more popular with both day-trippers and exhibitors alike. Thousands of local people come and take part and we also get visitors from all over the country, some bringing their cherished classic vehicles to show. Local accommodation is inexpensive and there are local camping facilities for those that need it.
Day Visitors
The Ripon Classic Car Gathering is held at Ripon Racecourse in North Yorkshire. From the East (A1): Use the first Race Course entrance to the left. From the West (Ripon): Use the main Racecourse Entrance on the right.
If you want to be part of our day, it's easy to display your vehicle in the show. We take individual car, motorbike, vintage tractor, commercial & military vehicle and kit car entries. We also have one make owners club stands available.
Traders & Autojumble
Trade stalls are 5m x 5m. No tables and chairs are provided so please bring all your own equipment for your stall. Please no car boot sales and no food and drink is to be sold to the public. Your site is to be left clean and tidy please.
Booking Forms
Entry forms for each entry class can be downloaded by following the links below.
Entry fees are payable by cheque or by BACS only. Full payment instructions can be found on our application forms. Please note that due to excessive bank charges we cannot accept any other form of payment.
As in previous years, we will be awarding prizes for all vehicle classes on the day. You can indicate whether or not you wish to be entered for judging on your completed entry form for each class.
Please note that all vehicles entered for judging must be on our show field by 11:30am. Many thanks.
You can download your entry form by following the links provided. Upon receipt of your entry form, Ripon Old Cars will issue you with an entry pass. Only vehicles displaying Ripon Old Cars-issued passes will be allowed to exhibit.
You can also exhibit at our Gathering as a late entry on the day but you will not be eligible for judging in any of our awards classes. The cut-off date for the age of vehicles entered in all classes is December 2000. Closing date for entries: 13th July 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Just turn up on the day and call in to the late entry tent. We charge £10.00 for late entries and I’m afraid you won’t be eligible to be judged.
The entry pass grants access to the driver and one passenger only (children under 14 are not included).
Additional adults will have to access the show via the pedestrian entrance and pay the entrance fee.
Yes. Well-behaved dogs are allowed on the field on the day. Please keep on a lead at all times and clean up after.
Yes we’ll have trade stand pitches available on the day at a cost of £15.00. Each pitch is 5 metres square and you will be allowed to bring your vehicle on the pitch. We supply nothing other than the pitch so you will have to bring all your own weather protection, tables, displays etc. Please leave the pitch clean and tidy at the end of the show.
We do not allow traders to sell food or drink nor do we allow traders to run raffles or tombolas. Applications can be made using the Trade Stand form available on this website.
Yes. You can camp on the show field on the Saturday night. There are toilets with drinking water and showers open for you to use.
We charge a nominal fee of £3.00 per person camping, payable at the late entry tent on the Sunday or see one of the marshals.
On arrival on the Saturday see one of the marshals who will advise you where the camping area is located. Please note that there is no electricity supply onsite and petrol-powered generators are not allowed.
Should the event be cancelled at short notice for say, bad weather, flooding etc. we will advise as such on our website.
If there is no mention on the website of cancellation you can be assured that the event is on.
We are a not-for-profit organisation and all money raised on the day is given to charity after deducting the actual cost of running the event.
We would hope that in the event of cancellation, the very reasonable entry fee of £5.00 per vehicle would be donated to our chosen charity.
Contact Us
We hope that you find our website useful and informative with all that you need to know about this year’s event.
We’re always happy to answer your queries about any aspect of our Show so if you require any further information please contact us: riponclassiccargathering@gmail.com
The Ripon Classic Car Gathering
Ripon Racecourse
Boroughbridge Road

Supported Charities
During the years The Ripon Classic Car Gathering has raised huge amounts for various charities. For this year, all proceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Support, Yorkshire Cancer Research and numerous local good causes. We have previously supported the Motor Neurone Disease Association, the Teenage Cancer Trust and Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
At our last event, we raised and donated thousands of pounds to Alzheimer’s Research UK and other local good causes. Please support our charities.